The Chow family consulting businesses
Based in Chicago, KATS Consulting LLC represents consulting businesses supported by the Chow family.
K - Ken
A - Alice
T - Tim
S - Sarah
Ken and Alice were married in 1986 and Sarah and Tim are our daughter and son. We each have different interests and skills. Please browse our site to see the consulting services we provide.
Get in touch with us to set up a consultation.
Areas of Consulting
IT Architecture & Business Strategy
Business Strategy and IT Architecture are closely tied. In today’s Business environment IT plays a key role in Business Strategy formation no matter what line of business you are in. Alignment of IT Architecture to your company’s Business Strategy is key to the success of your business. A good IT Architecture can help in lowering your businesses total cost of ownership and provides the right technology to drive your business.
Medicare Plans & Long-Term Care Planning
Navigating through the Medicare System can be confusing. Medicare Advantage and Prescription drug plans vary by zip code and change annually. Medicare Supplement premiums increase at the discretion of insurance carriers. Having a personalized analysis of needs and preferences, Medicare beneficiaries can make informed decisions with plan selections to maximize coverage and minimize cost.
Android Development
The future is here and the future is Smart Phones. 87% of smart phone are based on the Android platform. Developing applications on Smart Phone is a key for any businesses future.
Tutoring High School Math subjects. High school math is foundational for any student. Getting a good understanding is key for many majors in college.